Member-only story
Roses are Red
Roses are red…
That’s a definitive statement
But it’s not quite accurate
Roses come in many colors
Red, pink, yellow, white, and others
Okay, think, and start again
Some roses are red
Violets are blue…
Hmm, not again
Another definitive statement
But it’s not completely accurate either
Like roses, violets come in many colors
Pink, yellow, white, and yes — blues & purples too
Okay, try again
Some roses are red
Some violets are purple
Sugar is sweet
And so is maple surple…
Dang me… those aren’t my words (clever Roger Miller reference — look it up)
Writing poetry sucks when you have a wandering & unfocused Anal-Retentive mind
Oxymoron much?
Forget about the poem
Let’s have sex
Lon Casler Bixby is a professional photographer and published author in various genres: Fiction, Poetry, Humor, Photography, & Comic Books.
You can see some of his photography here — and here —
See his writing here —